Witnessing how the Lord works through the United Pentecostal Church is genuinely inspiring. The recent establishment of the Foreign Missions Division of UPC PI (FMD) feels divinely timed. Since my appointment, I have had the privilege of connecting with many of our District Conferences, and the outpouring of support has been overwhelming. My recent trips to Bangkok, Thailand, and Singapore have opened my eyes to the incredible potential for global evangelism. The harvest is ripe, and the laborers are ready!

This past November, we celebrated our Feast of Praise and Thanksgiving in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. Witnessing the unity and passion of our brethren from around the world was a powerful experience. Their commitment to spreading the Gospel is genuinely inspiring.

Last week, I attended the Northwest Filipino Evangelism Conference in Seattle, Washington. The energy and enthusiasm were contagious! The Lord's work is clearly thriving globally, and the FMD is committed to playing a vital role in this expansion.

We are working tirelessly to advance the Kingdom, but we need your continued support. Please keep the Foreign Missions Division in your prayers and consider partnering with us financially. Every contribution, regardless of size, makes a difference in reaching souls for Christ.

Thank you for your dedication to the Great Commission. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the world! I eagerly anticipate our upcoming events, including the "Homecoming Celebration" on May 21, 2025, where UPC PI will warmly welcome our pastors and ministers returning from abroad, just one day before our General Conference. Additionally, I am excited about our 1st Asia Pacific Evangelism Summit scheduled for October 9-11, 2025, in Bangkok, Thailand. Let’s unite and change lives together!


At last year’s General Conference in Long Beach, California USA Rev. Adam Hunley, director of the Global Mission, UPCI delivered a powerful and timely sermon on Global Partnership Evangelism. He shared a prophectic vision for the church, calling for humility and collaboration in fulfilling the Great Commission. Rev. Hunley emphasized that the “open door in the Holy Ghost” symbolizes God’s guidance, readily available to those who embrace unity. This call for unity serves as a rallying cry, reminding us of our shared purpose in Christ.

Modern-day Visionaries and Revivalists


The missionary program is the FMD's heart and soul. Without it, our division would not exist.

We have a unique opportunity to commission a family, ready and eager to answer the call. But we can’t do it alone. We need your partnership.

Your prayers and financial support are absolutely vital in making this a reality. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to sending this family on their mission. Time is of the essence, and we believe that with your help, we can see them commissioned this very year.