Words from our National Leaders

“And this gospel of the Kingdom Shall be preach in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” Matthew 24:14

It is truly amazing how the Lord graciously prepares our path and enables us to see Him opening doors for end-time soul-winning endeavors. The Lord is preparing His church to be globally ready as the world becomes increasingly globalized. We see this in the rise of missionary-minded individuals, the increased commitment to sending out long-term missionaries, and the establishment of training centers to equip believers for the global harvest. As part of this church, each of us plays a significant role in these global missions. The Lord has been so good to me, allowing me to see how the church, united in purpose and spirit, responds to the call for a global harvest of souls. Standing at the Global Missions Service with Rev. Adam Hunley and being energized by his anointed and excellent message about global harvest by the whole church was a sign that the time for a united church, as described in Ephesians 4, is now happening. This is such an exciting time to be a part of God’s Kingdom! He is moving powerfully to fulfill his promise that the gospel will be preached to all nations. As we engage in these global missions, we not only serve the Lord but also experience personal growth and fulfillment. I am encouraging everyone apostolic to stand behind our Foreign Missions Division as it continues to do what it is called for and accomplished in the Lord.

Rev. Ceasar Pestano

United Pentecostal Church, Philippines

General Superintendent

To my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My heart overflows with joy and thanksgiving as I reflect on our journey together as members of the United Pentecostal Church of the Philippines. We have witnessed God's hand at work in our midst, and I am deeply humbled to have played a part in His grand design. As former World Missions Director, I was privileged to witness the fulfillment of a long-held vision: the establishment of our Foreign Missions Division. This achievement is a testament to the faith, sacrifice, and prayers of countless individuals in our beloved church. Our calling to proclaim the gospel to every corner of the world is not merely a suggestion but a divine mandate. We are called to be ambassadors of Christ, radiating His love and truth to a world in desperate need of hope. Our faith cannot be confined to the walls of our church buildings; it must burst forth and ignite a flame of transformation in the hearts of all we encounter. I urge you, my dear brothers and sisters, to join me in wholeheartedly embracing the work of our Foreign Missions Division. Your prayers are a lifeline to our missionaries, providing strength, guidance, and protection as they navigate unfamiliar territories and face unexpected challenges. Your financial contributions are an investment in the Kingdom of God, equipping and empowering these dedicated servants to share the Good News with those who have yet to hear it. Through our united efforts, we can answer the clarion call to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. We can bring hope to the hopeless, healing to the broken, and salvation to the lost. Let us rise to the occasion, fueled by a passionate love for God and a deep compassion for our fellow human beings. Remember, every prayer uttered and every sacrifice made will yield a bountiful harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God. Let our commitment to missions reflect our unwavering devotion to our Heavenly Father and our unshakeable belief in the power of the gospel to change lives. Thank you for your unwavering faith and your steadfast support. May God richly bless you as we partner in advancing His Kingdom on earth.

In His service,

Rev. Mario M. Pestano

Region 3 Assistant Superintendent

Embracing a Global Call The urgency of our times calls for swift and effective sharing of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must leverage every available tool and platform to ensure the message of salvation reaches every corner of the globe. The Foreign Missions Division (FMD) is a divinely inspired answer to this call, providing us with the resources and infrastructure to fulfill the Great Commission, a bridge connecting local churches with the global community and facilitating the flow of resources, knowledge, and personnel necessary to spread the gospel effectively. With our rich spiritual heritage and passion for sharing our faith, Filipinos are uniquely positioned to play a crucial role in global evangelism. A strong sense of community, resilience in the face of adversity, and deep-rooted belief in the power of prayer make us exceptionally effective gospel ambassadors. The warmth and adaptability enable us to connect with people from all walks of life, breaking down cultural barriers and fostering genuine relationships. As we move forward, we must be guided by cultural sensitivity and respect for local customs. Our goal is not to impose a foreign culture but to present the timeless truth of the gospel in ways that are relevant and meaningful to each unique context. May the spirit of our shared purpose inspire us to reach out to the world with boundless compassion, courage, and unshakeable faith. We are part of a global community of believers united in our mission to share the love of Christ with every nation, tribe, and tongue. Let us embrace this divine calling with enthusiasm and dedication, knowing that our efforts are part of God's grand plan for humanity. May God's abundant blessings be upon the FMD's endeavors, and may His wisdom guide every step we take in fulfilling this sacred mission. With God's grace and guidance, we can bring the light of the gospel to every corner of our world, transforming lives and communities for His glory.

Rev. Eugene Banez

UPC PI -Region 1

Assistant Superintendent

Beloved brethren of the United Pentecostal Church of the Philippines (UPC PI), The call to share the gospel has never been more urgent or attainable in our increasingly interconnected world. As followers of Christ, we are entrusted with the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) to make disciples of all nations. This divine mandate fuels our mission to spread the Apostolic message across the globe. The remarkable growth we have witnessed in UPC PI is a testament to God's abundant blessings upon our laborers. The increasing number of ministers, churches, and Bible schools fills me with profound joy and anticipation. Many of our brethren have carried the teachings and experiences gained here to other parts of the world. I am confident that they will continue to sow seeds of growth wherever they go. The Filipino Apostolic community has blossomed into a vibrant and influential force, both domestically and internationally. This global presence presents us with an unparalleled opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have yet to hear its message of hope and salvation. The Foreign Missions Division (FMD) is vital to our global outreach efforts. I wholeheartedly endorse its mission and call upon all members to rally behind it, offering our unwavering support, generous resources, and fervent prayers. Together, we can empower the FMD to reach new heights in its ministry, expanding the Kingdom of God across borders and cultures. We must embrace our destiny as ambassadors of Christ. As we stand together, unified in faith and love, we will witness the power of God's love at work in the world. Our united witness will shine brighter, our voices will resound louder, and our impact will be multiplied. Let us boldly move forward, confident that our unity amplifies our witness to the world. Together, we can reach further, touch more lives, and bring greater glory to the name of Jesus Christ. May our journey be marked by faith, boundless love, and a steadfast commitment to spreading the gospel until all have heard the good news of salvation.

In His service,

Rev. Mandy Perez

UPC PI – Region 2

Assistant Superintendent